Wednesday, 21 September 2011 dress and booties!

Greg had surgery on his foot yesterday
and today I am thankful for all he does in our home.

It's easy to take for granted all of the things that your spouse  does... and today I REALLY noticed it. I am used to having the two kids all day, but I always know that daddy is coming home and that I will have a few moments to breathe before I begin the night "routines". Kael and I always anticipates daddy's arrival... no one plays better than daddy.  So... I got to do it ALL today... and for the next few weeks! Let's hope I can keep my perspective right :) By the grace of God I will not kill anyone... and remain thankful :)

Greg and I had A LOT of laughs in the waiting area yesterday. We had to be to the hospital by 9 am but his surgery was not scheduled until 12:30. So to say the least... we needed something to occupy us, and laughing was fun. Besides... how could I not laugh at with my husband sitting beside me in a pretty green DRESS and BOOTIES! I tried to get a picture but he caught me every single time and I got "beat" every time so I have no proof. :( But it's true. It will serve as a funny visual for years to come! (side note... NOT flattering on anyone! :) )

We have been joking about him "milking" the fact that he cannot do anything for weeks now .. and  yesterday he suggested I get him a bell claiming it would make my life easier. Well, I wont tell you where I told him the bell would end up the first time he rang it... ! I told him it would be detrimental to his health to say the least.  All of my so called friends have come up with other "noises" to help... but really they are just diggin him a grave... :) . We'll keep it at "hun"... it works!

I was up with Levi at 2 so I decided I needed to check on Greg. (He slept on the couch downstairs (his "man cave" as he calls it)... don't gasp. If I hit his leg in bed I would have been killed. Not worth the cuddles :P ) Anyway, I kept thinking "what if he is hallucinating and thinks I am a stranger and beats me up when I go downstairs". Real conversation in my head. I had to convince myself that I could handle him if he came at me ... hahahahahaha! You should have seen me walk down the stairs. First I tip toed around the corner... listened for breathing and then proceeded to inch my way closer. He did not have any blankets on... so I got him the one on the floor and picked it up  ready to run for it if he came at me. I seriously was terrified. Hey... ya hear all these crazy stories of people of drugs... and he was on some powerful drugs.  I could lie and say he came at me and I took him down....i could have... I know I could have!. Don't worry... nothing happened :) Poor ending to a great story. I bet he tries to scare me tonight. Would be hillarious...but he knows it would not be worth his while as he would have a pretty rough day tomorrow when I did nothing for him :P At least I have leverage:)


Don't look at the time.

Monday, 29 August 2011

you're lucky i love you...

Well, it's Monday. Greg is at pulpit committee... and I just sat down hoping I do not have to get up for a little bit. Scratch that. Kaela is crying... again. (why do children become "afraid" of the dark...???) Just a water call. Amazing how thirsty a child can get when they get into bed. :P

Take two. 

We survived Irene... the house is all in tact! Thankfully, Quebec got its goodness and not us. I asked Greg when the winds started up last night if we could move somewhere that I would not have to think about hurricanes and wind ... and he said, "where is that". "Manitoba???" He said, "good night, Amanda". Ha! I took that as a no!

And so he rolled over and went to sleep while I laid in bed praying the trees off of our house... literally! I kept thinking one of the trees was going to fall right on our bedroom... and of course then I was thinking what would the kids do and who would find them... and... minds are wonderful, twisted things! So I just prayed until I finally fell asleep... then WHAaaaaaaaaaaa... Levi.  Then WHAAAA... Kael. Had to sleep in Kael's bed cause the power went out and the wind was scaring her. (ME TOO!) She fell asleep and I snuck out an hour later and STOMPED  tip-toed back into my bed. Greg still snoring. (angry face). Then  a half hour later...Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... Levi. (11,4 and 6, and 7. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Wake up at 8... thankfully to a daughter who just wanted to cuddle! I can handle that! 

Text Greg and said, "You are lucky I love you."
He said, "Why, did you have to get up last night."
Only 18 times while you rolled over and took my spot in bed EVERY time
I got up my darling husband. MEN! :)
He proceeded to tell me he did not hear a thing.
Never knew the power went out.
Or that either child was up.
I'll make sure that never happens again.  :)

What Jeremy said in his message a few weeks back is so true. If the rolls were reversed I NEVER would have heard the end of how bad his night was ...God knew what He was doing when he made us their help meet... I need a help meet sometimes! MOM!!! :)

:) So I decided today was a FANTASTIC day to put my sheets and duvet and anything else I could find out on the line. I had to use a TON of clips cause the wind was VERY strong! ha. Hey, they were dry very quickly!:)

When Greg got home we went for a walk around First Lake. My fav. Nova Scotia truly is a beautiful province. God is good.

So now... laundry washed, folded AND put away (I don't like that part).  Beds all made and kids in bed. Greg out.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Jen??? :P 

Time to go read.
Tummy is growling.
Ignore. Again.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

never again...

I will NEVER again speak of the success I am having with Kaela and the pottie.
EVERY time I do... I end up with a day like today.

Greg and I took the "kidzzzz" (ha, still sounds funny), to the Halifax waterfront today and walked from one end to the other. Then we decided to be the best parents ever and take her on a boat ride!! Yep, that's right! BEST parents ever. Thank you Halifax/Dartmouth Ferry! :P She was BEYOND excited and it cost us $5.00! Greg sat with her on the top on the way over... me on the way back. I love seeing her experience new things. When we got to the Dartmouth side, we walked a couple of blocks to the Christian Book Store. We never walk out without a few new great books. This time we got a Keys for Kids family devotional, and a spiritual parenting book by Spurgeon. Kael got a book on manners (wink wink) and one on Queen Esther! Then we took the ferry back and headed home. And yes, even Kael slept in the car on the way home. Shocking!

I have started to read the Spurgeon book. Interesting. It made me stop and think about the kids in our church that sit up during the morning service. He was writing as a pastor and said that if there is not something in your message that children can understand and walk away with, then you have missed the heart of God. It's so true. Jesus loved/loves the children. We say it, but do we believe it? He stopped everything to take time to teach them. We serve a God that cares about the LITTLEst things :) Praise the Lord!

I am just so thankful for my family. LOVE them all.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Well folks, I am all "happy danced" out for the day! Kaela pooped on the pottie THREEEEEEEEEE times today... and has had no accidents for four whole days.
All we had to do was tell her that if she messed her underwear again that she would not be going over to nanie and boppie's for a sleepover. Who knew she liked them that much!!! haha! If only I had of thought of that 6 months ago! :P I try not to get to excited.... but it's almost better than a million dollars. ALMOST! If she goes backwards... I'll take the million.

I had the opportunity to have company over on Sunday. For those of you that know me... this was a BIG deal. I have no problem having people my age over or really anyone for that matter.. but when there is a meal involved that has to be better than hamburgers.... I start to sweat. I am just not comfortable cooking for people. I never think about it on a daily basis because if I ruin something... who cares. We will eat something else. (which so far has not happened! Close... but not quite!) But when I HAVE to get a meal right... I almost feel sick. I think it's mostly when it is Sunday afternoon... cause Sunday lunch just HAS to be good. I don't know of any other meal I crave more. Weird, I know.

People keep telling me it gets easier. I think they are just liars ... crazy in the head! :P I know they are right... but a lot of prayers go up when I am hosting! ha. I over think it. But I WILL over come this flaw.... I will. Still not feeling it. I WILL. I WILL. ! And no you may not come over on Sunday to help me overcome this. I am busy. Right BEV????? :)

Really though... I do enjoy having people in my home. I just like it more under relaxed circumstances! Don't fear if I ask you over on a Sunday... I really do want you there! I am just fighting my pride of failure.... and you may get hamburgers:)
But I make AMAZING hamburgers!

So did you hear that my friend Jen has started a blog. It's my fault. I'm proud! Enough said!

Levi has outgrown his "I'm easy to put to bed" stage. Why do they go and do that??? I was quite happy with our little routine. Oh well. My ears can handle crying now because Kaela broke them in... sorry buddy! I leave you with these ADORABLE pictures of the 5 new babies in our church nursery. So much fun. We truly are a BLESSED congregation. 
Abigail , Levi, Joanna, Mary-Beth and Elijah!

my boy! Levi Gregory
 my handsome Elijah :)
notice Abigail holding Levi's hand :) TOOOOOOO cute. My kids love those Matheson kids! 

 baby jo

Monday, 22 August 2011

who do we think we are...

Life has its ups and downs and "in-betweens". Struggles come and go... and through it all, GOD IS FAITHFUL to ME. Praise the Lord because I am testing HIS faithfulness and grace again.

Character has always been something that I have valued and tried to protect by the grace of God. I believe it's the "meat and bones" of a person... The heart and soul of who a person is. I also believe that man's TRUE character is only known by God, though our actions do give light to our heart.

I wept tonight thinking of my negative and ungodly attitude. Assuming the worst, though I know better. God has laid a burden on my heart to simply back off the "judging campaign". I am guilty. You are guilty. But we need to change.
I need to change. 

I am a CHRISTian. I need to be CHRIST like. It takes self denial, and forgiveness, and love. I need to lift the brethren UP not tear down. It is counter-cultural... but it is right.

Some of you may think ... what in the world is going on in her life. Nothing in particular. God is just working in me...! He has not given up!:) Praise the Lord!

LOVE one another. 
Lift someone up today.
Make a point to do it every day.
By God's grace...

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

back to reality...

There is always so much anticipation surrounding vacations! I love the hype... and the true desire to "just get away". Kaela pictured this feeling perfectly the morning we left for the airport 3 weeks ago. We had been doing a countdown for oh 27 days, so when we got to 2 more sleeps she decided it was time to go to Nana and Papa's right then. She clearly was tired of counting! One more sleep came... then packing... then the morning of! I could have asked her to do anything and she would have said, "Yes, Mommy, I will do that." Too cute!

So when Nannie pulled up to get us, Kael waved faster than her hand could even handle and ran towards the car while dragging (and I mean dragging) her suitcasebehind her, just to tell Nannie that she was going on an airplane to see Nana and Papa! The whole way there she just kept saying, "We are going on an airplane, right Mommy!" Every person we met in the airport found out where we were going... and of course the fact that we were going on an airplane! I think we all feel like that when we are going away... she can just get away with all the excitement and still be cute. I think if I tried that I may be put in my room and told not to come out for a while! ha.

The vacation was even better than expected...if that's even possible! The first week mom and dad both worked but we still got to spend evenings together and some random trips here and there. Visiting my grandparents (or great nan and GG) is always on the top of the list. Kael did a great job while we visited. The weeks consisted of swimming in the pool Nana bought her, playing with Abby and Jacob, trips to IKEA, pedicures, a trip to the cottage, and AFRICAN LION SAFARI (where she was more excited about riding a bus like Boppie than looking at the animals! I think I could have bought bus fair in London for $2 and saved myself $30! haha! JK) I kept a journal to keep track of all the events and people we saw. Lots of fun to say the least. I just loved being home. I don't need to do anything... just be! And I did lots of that!

The first two weeks Greg was in Nova working so I found the parenting part of the trip exhausting. We are still fighting the pottie training battle so that was a little discouraging some days. BUT she did go poop on the pottie once while we were away! YEAH. The other 20 days... well, we wont talk about that! Look on the bright side right?????????????????:) I was very thankful when Greg arrived to lend some support! I don't know how single parents do it. I am SO thankful that we are a TEAM!

Kael and I went to pick up "daddy" at the airport on Thursday night. It was pretty late for Kael... and when she is tired we either have a night full of laughs or a night full or tears. THANKFULLY it was laughs! She asked everyone who came to pick someone up where their daddy was. HAHA. You should have seen the look on one of the guys that was picking up his girlfriend. So random! When she sees a guy and a girl together she automatically thinks "mommy and daddy". I love it. Kael was happy Daddy was "done work"! (I was too!)

The next morning we hopped in the car and began our trip to Ottawa. I seriously question whether we will ever drive to Ontario any time soon.:) Greg and I had to go to bed at 9 because we forgot to bring our monitor to listen for the kids. ha. Oh well! Turns out we needed the extra sleep for all the excitement all night long! We went and bought a monitor for night #2! Two early nights just was not happening! :) Kayleigh and John got married on the Saturday. Beautiful wedding. I loved the reception spot and the breakfast food they served! mmmmmm! We walked around parliament on Sunday before heading home... I think I would move to Ottawa. It's my new favourite city in Canada right now. 

THEN the "next" day came... my 30th birthday! 30 pairs of undies on a line with a big sign... do you think people noticed? :) I embraced the day and now I am old.
Pretty much dead actually.
haha! Just kidding. 30 is the new 10! I'm good!

Blue Jays game with Jewels and Jay, States with hubby and hanging with family finished off the week. BUSY end of the trip but FANTASTIC!

I struggled a lot leaving, as per usual. I always struggle with contentment when I am home in Ontario. It would be foolish for me to pretend otherwise. BUT GOD always gives me more grace to get up the next day and praise Him for all the blessing I have been given...! I know I am where I am supposed to be... and don't get me wrong, I am happy here. It's just not easy somedays. I think contentment is something I have to practice everyday...not just when I leave home. It makes you count your blessings... and it's an amazing peace you get when you KNOW you are "okay with the shoes you are wearing"... or the place you are in!

So now I have to blog as an old woman... at least I will be wise... RIGHT!??! :)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

the line addict...

My of my... you are going to be jealous of my night last night.
do you sense a touch of... sarcasm:)

As some of you know... I AM A CLOTHES LINE ADDICT... But I am okay with it ! I hate the dryer (except to 'fluff' after my clothes are dry.) As soon as the weather is somewhat warm, my clothes are out on the line. I let the piles build and watch the weather to see when its not supposed to rain...  and on sunny days I actually look for things to wash...psycho I know..(Should I really be confessing this? Confession is the first step to healing... right ?:)?)

Hey... I got our power bill down to $77 for 2 months last summer... well worth the work!  Anyway, last night, I seriously  contemplated quitting that practice.

Greg got home about 11:30 and I went to bed while he was showering. At about 12:00, while I was reading the news... I jumped out of bed so fast because I swear I got pinched so hard under my arm but had no idea why. I checked it out in the mirror and saw a bite staring to grow... so I SLOWLY pulled back the sheets to see what "tried to eat me", as Kaela would say. And there sat an EVIL wasp ...I threw the sheets back over it and ran and got Greg. Super womanly I know. Hey... guys like when you need them, right?!

He came up  thinking I was dying and took care of it... then he began MOCKING me when I made him take EVERY sheet off the bed, every pillow... then of course I had to go and check the kids sheets to make sure they were OK. Ha. Cause ya know... if there is a wasp in my bed, there surly would be a wasp in theirs too!!:P 

By the time I finally got into bed, Greg was pretending to be stung and let me tell you... the humor was LONG over. I told him to roll over, while I laid in bed with my eyes wide open and no sheets on cause I felt bugs crawling ALL over me! Gr... the power of the mind! ha. And I pretty much saved his life anyway.... cause I was on HIS SIDE OF THE BED when Mr. evil got me. So you are welcome, hun!

Don't worry guys... I got up today and did another load of laundry on this GORGEOUS summer day and hung it out like a faithful line addict!:)
No wasp is going to bring me down! haha!

So I cut the lawn this morning... and my neighbours too! That whole second mile principle I tell ya. The funny thing is... as I was cutting it I was laughing that its pretty easy to go the second mile when grass is long and ugly and uncared for! (another slight addiction).

Anywhoo... off to the wonderful boiling hot province of Ontario tomorrow. Home away from home! Gonna be great! Kaela is insisting that its two sleeps away still... Whatever.

still singing:)

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

no more cruise control...

Sitting here blogging with the Jays game on, two kids snoring in bed, and my glass of water.... is it time for bed yet??? :) Greg's out playing his "wanna be" ball! haha! Don't tell him I said that! :P I'm just kidding. A bunch of guys get together to play and he LOVES it. Loves it so much that he could be exhausted ALL day long and then suddenly have a "second wind" in time to go and play. Amazing eh :)

So today was packing day and don't go outside in the heat day. It's funny how we wait for the sun and then have to hide from it when it comes! Hey, I'm not complaining! Sunny days inside or out are WONDERFUL! Kaela even puts that as one of her praises for me! She comes into my room in the morning and says, "It's SUNNY, Mommy!" (loudly and beyond excited!!) She knows how to make me happy!

Have I mentioned how thankful I am for Levi... the baby that SLEEPS! WHAT?? They do that??? Greg and I are constantly amazed that it is possible to give a child food and then put them in their bed with their eyes open and they fall asleep... WHO KNEW! Total opposite of colic Kaela! AND sleeps in car. AND he is content to be on the floor.... WOW! I'm beyond blessed. When he does cry for maybe 5 min, I'm almost shocked and think he is grumpy... ha.  But boy of boy when Levi cries he SCREAMS. He is right angry. A 2 month old temper tantrum. The only kind that are half cute:)

I'm so thankful that what God is teaching me is encouraging some of you. It's always a blessing to be used of God. I'm enjoying what and how God is teaching me... my "every when's " right now are not too tough. I pray when they get tougher I will live what I've been taught. "Remember in the darkness what you learned in the light."

Greg preached on Sunday night about something that he and I were discussing in our home all last week... the second mile. Sometimes I just sit back when he is preaching and say, "that's my hubby!".... then I quickly get back to listening :) i just love seeing God work through him.  So in his message, Greg made the comment,
"you can't go the second mile without going the first".
 As simple as that may sound, it is much more profound.

We often get caught in always wanting to do the exciting things in life (the second mile... the above and beyonds...) but we forget about the obligations, or the things that we have to do. The first and second mile apply to all areas of life. Including our life at home. I was personally challenged in my relationships. I think sometimes I just put on the "cruise control" and do what I have to do and nothing beyond. It's comfortable... it's what is expected... and usually it takes little work. I need to do more than that. My home is where my husband and especially my children need to "see my good works". Kaela and Levi need to see the second mile in real application so that it becomes real in their own lives. So I need to do the first... but I WANT to do the second. Another thing I can't do on my own. Praise the Lord I have help:)

2 more slllleeeeeppps til Ontario. No closer to having Kael "poop" trained. (grumpy face) Tomorrow is a new day...  Praise the Lord!

Monday, 18 July 2011

a song in my heart...

Have I mentioned yet how much I LOVE SUNDAY'S!!!! I love the fellowship, the singing, the ministering, the teaching, the learning, the family time... it's just an awesome day!
oops... and the SUNSHINE!

I am going to have to talk about this tomorrow  as well, because I cant fit both of the sermons into one blog. God used Greg and Jeremy in great ways and it touched my heart. So many good thoughts and I have to take notes in order to remember them!! It's a good habit for me so that I can dwell on the sermons all week long! If not... well... lets just say my memory is not what it used to be.

Yesterday morning Jeremy preached a great message from Ephesians 5 about redeeming the time and the walk we should have as Christians in order to do that. God spoke to me about the fact that there are no "days off", or " I don't feel like it days" in the Christian life. Every day is a new day to serve the Lord.

"We all (as believers) have the Holy Spirit ... but how much does the Holy Spirit have of you?"
And to that I say, "SELAH". (think about it).

Wow, eh. I'm still thinking about it. Really though, I think we are pretty selfish with how much of ourselves we actually give to God. He just needs us to be humble, willing, and empty... Imagine what He could do through me if I only LIVED this. 

And my last "WOW" I'll mention from his sermon is verse 20. "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." As Jeremy pointed out, that literally means, "every WHEN" praise the Lord. So when I am sad.... yep. So when I have no money... Yep. So when I lose a family member or friend.... Yep. So when I am sick... yep. EVERY WHEN give back "praise GOD". MUCH easier said then done. However, if we as believers cling to the truth that God is Sovereign ( knows the beginning from the end) and God is good... then we will be able to praise the Lord ALWAYS!

Mmmm. I call that good food:)
 Good for the soul!

Soooooooo...... Greg and I decided that we need to start investing in good music for our home. We have been listening to the same 3 Cd's for way to long... and though I love my talk radio, I LOVE walking around the house (or in public... much to my husbands embarrassment) singing and humming. Last week I purchased a Cd online from Majesty Music. (a much cheaper way to do it) To say the least, we have been singing all weekend the main track, "We are Your Church". I said to Kaela on Saturday, "This song gets mommy really excited about serving the Lord"... and she said , "Me too, Mommy". Words that melted my heart... though I know she does not fully understand... I pray someday soon she will!
I praise God that He put a song in my heart because Kaela is picking up on it. It's  amazes me our 2 1/2 year old knows the words to 'Holy, Holy, Holy',  'Amazing Grace' , 'He's Able', and pretty much any patch the pirate song from the Praises CD!!! Those words are POWERFUL. And really, she is hiding God's word, through song, in her heart. I LOVE IT! Don't ever fool yourself into believing there is no power in music....  thank you Lord for giving me a song to sing.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

oh my darling...

I think God makes children funny because if they didnt make us laugh we would want to SCREAM... and  QUIT! It's like when a baby is a crabby bum all day and you want to pull your hair out and hide in a corner, and then RIGHT  before they close their eyes to finally fall asleep... they look at you and grin the biggest grin and you just forget about the horrific day they just caused you to have. Its like they melt you with a look. Well.. sometimes Kael can do that with making us laugh.(not always a good thing!!).

Kael has figured out the power of manipulation with humour. She says something... and then looks at me to see if I approve. If I have the, "you better hope you did not just say that" look, then she quickly throws in something funny to attempt to divert my thoughts! I'm telling ya...If you are questioning if humans have a sin nature from birth.. come stay with me and my children for a day. You will leave with NO doubts! (I was never like that.... right???! :))

I think its amazing the things she comes up with at 2 1/2 yrs old. I love her to death and actually find myself rolling on the floor laughing more times than not at her ability to be so clever and funny. Sometimes, as a mom, I cant laugh though. THAT IS HARD! (like the "I pooped in the pottie story"...)

But tonight she was just funny... !  Kaela had Greg laughing so hard with her random thoughts. She was "talking on the phone" so Greg asked her who she was talking too. She said, "mommy".  Then it was "nan". Then she "hung up" (her words) and called someone else and started talking away and it was a rather long conversation she was having. So Greg asked her who she was talking to. She said, "my man". Greg repeated is to make sure that's what she said. And yep... thats what she said.
WHAT! Where does she get this stuff??? haha. MY man??? Does she even know what a "man" is??? And don't any of you even THINK, "like mommy like daughter". Shame on you :P 

Anyway. I LOVE a day filled with chatting and cuddling and laughing with Kaela. Makes my "job" WONDERFUL and FULFILLING. Every once in awhile these days are needed! No matter what though, I thank the Lord for the PRIVILEGE of being my kids mom!  And I love that she can make me laugh.... and hard. She even makes fun of my laugh... yep. She really is like her father! :P.  

Ps... PURSE PARTY TONIGHT.... fabulous. BOUGHT ONE.....fabulous and pricey. THE LOOK ON GREG S FACE WHEN I TOLD HIM the PRiCE.... fabulous and priceless. Should probably run and hide...

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

its a new day...

i am about to share something with you that will shock your socks off.
assuming you are wearing them. 

i made homemade meatballs.this is when your eyes pop out.

and they were good. this is when your mouth drops wide open.

and we didnt die .... yet! this is when you pray for us.

Enough said ;)

Hey.... miracles do happen :P

Monday, 11 July 2011

all "gunked" up...

I am so thankful that God commanded us to take a day of rest. Though many times Sunday's are our busiest day of the week...(in the sense of serving)... I love them! And that's why we have Monday's... to rest from Sunday... right Jenn! :P

Yesterday we had Evangelist Mike Shrock to our church for both services. I was in the nursery in the evening but I will get the CD! You never really know what to expect when an evangelist comes to town. In general, evangelists are pretty upbeat people with a clear purpose... to motivate the church or bring "revival".  No matter what he was like, I was excited to hear what God was going to teach me.

Brother Shrock went to 1 Peter 2:1,2. He definitely had a lot of energy and some pretty funny illustrations. I LOVE stories that illustrate truths. Its like a light goes off in my brain! :)  God used Him to make a few things very clear in  my life.

I think sometimes that I get too busy living life... that I don't LIVE LIFE. Where is my passion for the Word of God? If I am a true born again believer (which I am), according to verse 2 ,I will naturally desire the Word. However, if there is sin in my life  (like the items listed in verse 1)... malice (being NAUGHTY) and guile (hiding my malice or "naughtiness"), I will not desire the Word because I am "GUNKED UP" (that's the exact wording of brother Shrock).

I applied it by thinking of my kids. My two year old knows there is a consequence for sin. We set boundaries as parents and when those boundaries are broken there is a consequence. BUT have I forgotten that same principle??? Why do we think we can get away with living a border-line Christian life? Why do we try to "get away with things" as long as no one else knows?

The question is, "do we really line up EVERYTHING in our lives to see if it glorifies God?"
Not does it glorify the pastor, or your family , or friends... but does it glorify GOD?

God has dealt with me in the past about a lot of "issues", such as: my music choices, watching movies, drinking, smoking and stuff like that. And, truthfully, I don't struggle with it anymore. (not to say I don't struggle with many more things... God has just clearly drawn the line for me on that stuff. Or should I say, I clearly see the line that God has always had there.)  But what about how I spend my time? Or how I sacrifice to help others? Or my lack of telling others the GOOD news that I have been blessed with? Or my parenting? Or being a submissive wife...?  Or my motives??? etc. 

I don't want to be a "gunked up" Christian that's just living a religion. I want my life to be USED by God... and He can only use a clean vessel. It's not a one time decision. EVERY day I must decide to live for Christ. My heart must be clean... and I can only do that through the grace of God. May I DESIRE the milk of the Word. (vs 2) :)

Side note: We got to go to camp tonight. I love that place!!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

just the two of us...

Today in a glimpse...
The coos of a two month old baby......
and my two and a half year old FINALLY went poop on the pottie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I said that I would not blog about this but how can I not!!!!!!! ( don't worry! I don't have pictures!!! :P ) Kaela has been so nervous about it. If you know my girl, you know that she has to think through everything. Enough said! We conquered it today!!! Hey--- the LITTLE things are the important things, right ?? :)

Today was a rainy Saturday (which I actually LOVED). I was able to get out and go to costco... without the kids or the hubby. I don't often get to do that. Mostly because Greg and I actually enjoy doing things together so when we are both home, we go out together. Who would have thought, eh :)! Also, I don't have a car during the day so... we pretty much always go anywhere together. As much as we love being together, there is a time and place for alone time. I have learned that! However,  I almost feel guilty when I leave the family behind to go and get some things done and just get out of the house... but I know it is healthy. (for them and for me!)

 Greg and I had the opportunity to go out for our anniversary! Nan and Bop took both the kids for the night. YIKES for mommy. Daddy was like, "FREEDOM" :)  I had not even left Levi at all up until this point, unless you count Sunday Services, so an overnight was a big deal for my little heart. Greg and I took the kids over around 4, and when we left I was about ready to turn around because I am so used to life with them. Its funny how quickly you forget how to just be with each other. We are always together... but the kids are always with us and conversation does not get much deeper than "functional" on a daily basis. (which in my opinion is completely normal.) So when we didn't have to tell Makaela to look out the window, or put Levi's soother in... I was a tiny bit confused! Don't get me wrong, this was only confusing for about 2 min! Then we were just us again! We did things that we loved to do. Talked about work, church, us... and tried not to talk about the kids too much. Though I wont lie, they did come up. How could they not:)

We all know that a couple is the main structure in the family, besides each individuals relationship with God of course. Too often I think we don't nurture the main relationship because we are doing our best dealing with all of the other relationships in our lives; all of which are VERY important. However, Greg and I saw very clearly the need for us to set ourselves apart in order to strengthen our relationship beyond what we have on a daily basis. Going out just the two of us helped us remember why we not only love each other, but why we like each other too! We plan to make it a regular occurrence, not just at anniversary time! We shall see next year if we stuck to the plan :)

Well, I'm excited for church tomorrow!!!
As Kaela prayed to night, "I pray God my tongue be kind and I be obedient at church"! ha! me too Kaela, me too!

Thursday, 7 July 2011

pictures say a thousand words...


and the wedding picture disc has decided not to work anymore.... but i think you get the point. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. LOVE.
Happy 4 year my handsome baby blue. I love you. 

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

the eve of the wedding anni!

i LOVE remembering.
Looking back on what has been. Things that made me smile, or cry, or laugh... any of it... well, mostly.:) Certain things... like crashing my friends truck or the pain of leaving home I choose not to dwell on for long, but they still are apart of my "journey".  

Today I have been constantly thinking back to the night before my (our) wedding day. So much anticipation. If I only knew then what I know now. hahahaha! just kidding!

I remember going out to aunt Wendy's  to put the finishing touches on my fairytale tent reception... then feeling the sense of accomplishment that all the planning came together... but then realizing on the way home to get ready for the rehearsal that I FORGOT MY WEDDING DRESS at the store. I mean really. WHO forgets their wedding dress. Tears just ran down my face as I realized I had remembered everything... except the thing that I kinda really needed. So 15 min before the store was CLOSED for the weekend... my amazing moma called the store and begged them to stay open for a half hour longer so that she could pick it up. Oh my. PANIC city I tell ya. But as you can tell by the pictures... I got my dress! :P Really though... what would I have done. Broken into the store??? Worn my pj's. Yep. I would have thrown my hands up in the air and shocked everyone by coming around that corner in my cutest pj's! :) Hey, no one would have ever forgotten my wedding day! Good thing every thing worked out, eh :)!

So tonight I remember the night before... tomorrow will be YEAR 4. WOW. It's hard not to talk about tomorrows memories today! But I will not! 

A few more memories...  julie bringing jacob with a mohawk to the rehearsal to tease me ... and give me a heartattack!!! The bbq at my house (parents house I guess)... I always LOVE having people over to mom and dad's. Saying goodnight to Greg for the last time... (in the sense that I never had to have my heart drop cause he had to go home ever again!).  and then sleeping on the floor in the living room with Sarah and Julie. Wow. on the floor. Really guys! :) 

LOVE EVERY MOMENT of remembering. AMAZING time in my life. and I love him more today then I did then. (gag I know... but its the truth!)

going to bed much earlier tonight then I did that night.... hey! things change :P

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

asking nothing in return...

I learned a very important lesson from a man in our church today.  If I start living it my "light" will be  a lot brighter.

 Let me explain.

Being home all of the time is not such a good thing for my personality. I have to tell myself not to clean... or organize.. or paint... or garden... so that I don't lose my childrens younger years by being busy doing things that in the long run dont really matter.  ( Dont get me wrong... there is nothing wrong with any of that stuff.... I do it all when the kids go to bed.... I just have to consiously decide not to do it ALL the time.) Anyway, this spring I had a few BIG things on my  "little" to-do list. 
Number 1-- build a deck. (Greg and Drew have that one!)
Number 2-- the dreaded hill must have a purpose. ie: either grass or a garden.... the garden won. I can almost check that off my list.  
Number 3-- get the horrible baby blue off my house! This house is so 70's... to much was painted and too many colours used! I wanted to do this job myself... however, my loving husband was concerned about me dying on a ladder so he asked a man in our church to come before I had a chance to die. ( I would have had it done months ago... but I chose not to do it because he didnt want me to... :) good girl I know... and I got a blessing out of it too!)

Anyway, "man" stopped by a few nights ago to check what needed to be done. All we asked of him was for him to paint the blue parts at the top of our house. After all, he is a professional painter who has ladders that are meant to be climbed on! When he came by, after already working a 60 hour week (and it was only Thursday),... he said no problem to the painting ... and that he was going to come by and pressure wash the house and clean the gutters before he got started.

Tonight he came....

and after 2 hours of work... my house is beyond spottless and smells like bleach!!! (which I LOVEEEEEEE!!!). You wouldnt even know It was the same house. Well... maybe not literally, but it really is squeaky clean and BRIGHT white!!!!  So on top of pressure washing the main house and the BLACK gutters.... he pressure washed my shed... and.... all of my kids toys.... all out of his own free will. After Greg and I came out to admire our new home...He hopped into his truck and said it was time for a shower! I didnt hear "man that was a lot of work", or "boy its hot out here..."

He literally wont let us pay him. He wants nothing from us. I will find a way around that..:)... but still. Wow.

Pastor Homan always told us that the Christian life starts in the second mile. Every person is required to do what is asked of them... but a Christian goes the second and third and fourth mile and on... because we are to be different.

We are to go above and beyond expecting NOTHING in return.

I am amazed at the blessing of a child of God. This "man" has been used of the Lord to teach me a GREAT lesson. May I too go well beyond what I am asked to do... what a challenge to my heart.

Monday, 4 July 2011

here we go again....

Its been a LONG time since I have sat down to write. tooooooooooooo long. Not because I feel like I have anything that anyone needs to hear... but because writing encourages ME and helps me to focus on the great blessings that God has given me and my family.

So whats new. Well.... once there was ONE little Little... and now there are TWO!

Levi Gregory came to join our family RIGHT ON TIME for his daddy... April 25th, 2011 at 3:30 pm. 7lbs 12oz... 20.5 inches long. SHOCKED to see blue in my home but LOVING every moment. He truly is a gift from God... such an easy baby. I never knew babies could be so good. His "sissy", as she calls herself, loves him one minute and could care less about him the next. Overall she is a great helper for me when it comes to her brother. Let's just say Levi never lacks kisses!

Makaela Collen is now two and a half in age and 5 in maturity. Its scary really.
 She is a true "tom boy" like her mommy. She chooses to wear a dress to go play ball outside. That's my girl (well... besides the choosing to wear a dress!)  We are in the middle of potty training.... which I can pretty much guarantee you will hear a lot about because it CONTROLS my life. (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) So how's it going you ask. Let's just say... today I walked into the bathroom to find Makaela taking her "poop" out of her underwear and putting it into the pottie while joyfully proclaiming that she had "POOPED IN THE POTTIE!". I proceeded to hit my head against the wall... and then turned my head and walked out of the room. Dont worry... I came back when I was in a better frame of mind!!
"Kaea" is an intelligent and independent little girl who LOVES her aunts and uncles and grandparents with all of her heart. Greg says she's like me.... YIKES. Hopefully she grows out of it!

My handsome hubby is now assistant pastor for Sackville Independent and still works at Regional Residential. The church is without a senior pastor right now... so Greg's been asked to lead. It's been so neat to see Greg grow in the ministry and give himself fully to doing what God has called him to do. He is a very busy man... but let's not kid ourselves... there is still time for his JAYS! He is lucky I like them.

As for me... I have adapted to life as a mommy of two (and LOVING it)... and am adapting to life as a  "pastor's wife".  We have witnessed God's power and protection in such amazing ways these past couple of months. The burden for the people just increases as we go along. I'm so thankful for such an amazing church to serve WITH.  I must admit the time sacrifice with Greg being gone almost every night is what I struggle with the most. However, God is teaching me that my gift of service to God is allowing Greg to fulfill his role..and being his "helper" along the way. Every once in awhile I need some reminding... but hey, I'm growing too!
So that's us.... for now! Off to bed I go... where hopefully I will stay until 8 tomorrow morning. Ha.... a girl can dream eh!!