Tuesday, 19 July 2011

no more cruise control...

Sitting here blogging with the Jays game on, two kids snoring in bed, and my glass of water.... is it time for bed yet??? :) Greg's out playing his "wanna be" ball! haha! Don't tell him I said that! :P I'm just kidding. A bunch of guys get together to play and he LOVES it. Loves it so much that he could be exhausted ALL day long and then suddenly have a "second wind" in time to go and play. Amazing eh :)

So today was packing day and don't go outside in the heat day. It's funny how we wait for the sun and then have to hide from it when it comes! Hey, I'm not complaining! Sunny days inside or out are WONDERFUL! Kaela even puts that as one of her praises for me! She comes into my room in the morning and says, "It's SUNNY, Mommy!" (loudly and beyond excited!!) She knows how to make me happy!

Have I mentioned how thankful I am for Levi... the baby that SLEEPS! WHAT?? They do that??? Greg and I are constantly amazed that it is possible to give a child food and then put them in their bed with their eyes open and they fall asleep... WHO KNEW! Total opposite of colic Kaela! AND sleeps in car. AND he is content to be on the floor.... WOW! I'm beyond blessed. When he does cry for maybe 5 min, I'm almost shocked and think he is grumpy... ha.  But boy of boy when Levi cries he SCREAMS. He is right angry. A 2 month old temper tantrum. The only kind that are half cute:)

I'm so thankful that what God is teaching me is encouraging some of you. It's always a blessing to be used of God. I'm enjoying what and how God is teaching me... my "every when's " right now are not too tough. I pray when they get tougher I will live what I've been taught. "Remember in the darkness what you learned in the light."

Greg preached on Sunday night about something that he and I were discussing in our home all last week... the second mile. Sometimes I just sit back when he is preaching and say, "that's my hubby!".... then I quickly get back to listening :) i just love seeing God work through him.  So in his message, Greg made the comment,
"you can't go the second mile without going the first".
 As simple as that may sound, it is much more profound.

We often get caught in always wanting to do the exciting things in life (the second mile... the above and beyonds...) but we forget about the obligations, or the things that we have to do. The first and second mile apply to all areas of life. Including our life at home. I was personally challenged in my relationships. I think sometimes I just put on the "cruise control" and do what I have to do and nothing beyond. It's comfortable... it's what is expected... and usually it takes little work. I need to do more than that. My home is where my husband and especially my children need to "see my good works". Kaela and Levi need to see the second mile in real application so that it becomes real in their own lives. So I need to do the first... but I WANT to do the second. Another thing I can't do on my own. Praise the Lord I have help:)

2 more slllleeeeeppps til Ontario. No closer to having Kael "poop" trained. (grumpy face) Tomorrow is a new day...  Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking a lot about the "second mile" principle lately too. It's easy to think about and want to do, but hard to actually do. :) Have fun in ON! :)
