Monday, 11 July 2011

all "gunked" up...

I am so thankful that God commanded us to take a day of rest. Though many times Sunday's are our busiest day of the week...(in the sense of serving)... I love them! And that's why we have Monday's... to rest from Sunday... right Jenn! :P

Yesterday we had Evangelist Mike Shrock to our church for both services. I was in the nursery in the evening but I will get the CD! You never really know what to expect when an evangelist comes to town. In general, evangelists are pretty upbeat people with a clear purpose... to motivate the church or bring "revival".  No matter what he was like, I was excited to hear what God was going to teach me.

Brother Shrock went to 1 Peter 2:1,2. He definitely had a lot of energy and some pretty funny illustrations. I LOVE stories that illustrate truths. Its like a light goes off in my brain! :)  God used Him to make a few things very clear in  my life.

I think sometimes that I get too busy living life... that I don't LIVE LIFE. Where is my passion for the Word of God? If I am a true born again believer (which I am), according to verse 2 ,I will naturally desire the Word. However, if there is sin in my life  (like the items listed in verse 1)... malice (being NAUGHTY) and guile (hiding my malice or "naughtiness"), I will not desire the Word because I am "GUNKED UP" (that's the exact wording of brother Shrock).

I applied it by thinking of my kids. My two year old knows there is a consequence for sin. We set boundaries as parents and when those boundaries are broken there is a consequence. BUT have I forgotten that same principle??? Why do we think we can get away with living a border-line Christian life? Why do we try to "get away with things" as long as no one else knows?

The question is, "do we really line up EVERYTHING in our lives to see if it glorifies God?"
Not does it glorify the pastor, or your family , or friends... but does it glorify GOD?

God has dealt with me in the past about a lot of "issues", such as: my music choices, watching movies, drinking, smoking and stuff like that. And, truthfully, I don't struggle with it anymore. (not to say I don't struggle with many more things... God has just clearly drawn the line for me on that stuff. Or should I say, I clearly see the line that God has always had there.)  But what about how I spend my time? Or how I sacrifice to help others? Or my lack of telling others the GOOD news that I have been blessed with? Or my parenting? Or being a submissive wife...?  Or my motives??? etc. 

I don't want to be a "gunked up" Christian that's just living a religion. I want my life to be USED by God... and He can only use a clean vessel. It's not a one time decision. EVERY day I must decide to live for Christ. My heart must be clean... and I can only do that through the grace of God. May I DESIRE the milk of the Word. (vs 2) :)

Side note: We got to go to camp tonight. I love that place!!

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