Monday, 18 July 2011

a song in my heart...

Have I mentioned yet how much I LOVE SUNDAY'S!!!! I love the fellowship, the singing, the ministering, the teaching, the learning, the family time... it's just an awesome day!
oops... and the SUNSHINE!

I am going to have to talk about this tomorrow  as well, because I cant fit both of the sermons into one blog. God used Greg and Jeremy in great ways and it touched my heart. So many good thoughts and I have to take notes in order to remember them!! It's a good habit for me so that I can dwell on the sermons all week long! If not... well... lets just say my memory is not what it used to be.

Yesterday morning Jeremy preached a great message from Ephesians 5 about redeeming the time and the walk we should have as Christians in order to do that. God spoke to me about the fact that there are no "days off", or " I don't feel like it days" in the Christian life. Every day is a new day to serve the Lord.

"We all (as believers) have the Holy Spirit ... but how much does the Holy Spirit have of you?"
And to that I say, "SELAH". (think about it).

Wow, eh. I'm still thinking about it. Really though, I think we are pretty selfish with how much of ourselves we actually give to God. He just needs us to be humble, willing, and empty... Imagine what He could do through me if I only LIVED this. 

And my last "WOW" I'll mention from his sermon is verse 20. "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." As Jeremy pointed out, that literally means, "every WHEN" praise the Lord. So when I am sad.... yep. So when I have no money... Yep. So when I lose a family member or friend.... Yep. So when I am sick... yep. EVERY WHEN give back "praise GOD". MUCH easier said then done. However, if we as believers cling to the truth that God is Sovereign ( knows the beginning from the end) and God is good... then we will be able to praise the Lord ALWAYS!

Mmmm. I call that good food:)
 Good for the soul!

Soooooooo...... Greg and I decided that we need to start investing in good music for our home. We have been listening to the same 3 Cd's for way to long... and though I love my talk radio, I LOVE walking around the house (or in public... much to my husbands embarrassment) singing and humming. Last week I purchased a Cd online from Majesty Music. (a much cheaper way to do it) To say the least, we have been singing all weekend the main track, "We are Your Church". I said to Kaela on Saturday, "This song gets mommy really excited about serving the Lord"... and she said , "Me too, Mommy". Words that melted my heart... though I know she does not fully understand... I pray someday soon she will!
I praise God that He put a song in my heart because Kaela is picking up on it. It's  amazes me our 2 1/2 year old knows the words to 'Holy, Holy, Holy',  'Amazing Grace' , 'He's Able', and pretty much any patch the pirate song from the Praises CD!!! Those words are POWERFUL. And really, she is hiding God's word, through song, in her heart. I LOVE IT! Don't ever fool yourself into believing there is no power in music....  thank you Lord for giving me a song to sing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, how are you? Thanks for this post...isn't it amazing how many times we can hear the same truth, but still learn again and again through another person. The Lord is truly amazing! I echo you on the music!!! :) Praise the Lord for many men and women who have given their time to give us God honouring music!
