Monday, 22 August 2011

who do we think we are...

Life has its ups and downs and "in-betweens". Struggles come and go... and through it all, GOD IS FAITHFUL to ME. Praise the Lord because I am testing HIS faithfulness and grace again.

Character has always been something that I have valued and tried to protect by the grace of God. I believe it's the "meat and bones" of a person... The heart and soul of who a person is. I also believe that man's TRUE character is only known by God, though our actions do give light to our heart.

I wept tonight thinking of my negative and ungodly attitude. Assuming the worst, though I know better. God has laid a burden on my heart to simply back off the "judging campaign". I am guilty. You are guilty. But we need to change.
I need to change. 

I am a CHRISTian. I need to be CHRIST like. It takes self denial, and forgiveness, and love. I need to lift the brethren UP not tear down. It is counter-cultural... but it is right.

Some of you may think ... what in the world is going on in her life. Nothing in particular. God is just working in me...! He has not given up!:) Praise the Lord!

LOVE one another. 
Lift someone up today.
Make a point to do it every day.
By God's grace...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this straight from your heart, Manda! The Lord has recently convicted me of the sin of judging too and though "Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby."~Hebrews 12:11. I'm so thankful the Lord hasn't given up working on me to become more like Him!
